How to Penetrate the Commercial Wall-Hung Vanities Market

Tapping the true potential for any market is part science, part art. In the end, the decision on a go/no-go decision into a market rests on the accuracy of calculations of market size and overall business potential. The real essence of a market strategy for a product manufacturer deciding to enter a market, however, is […]

What Architects Need to Know When They Specify Smoke Detectors

While smoke detectors are only one component of a complex building fire alarm system designed to provide safety, preserve health and protect buildings, some would argue it is the most important.   Smoke detectors are constantly working to detect the existence of smoke that could potentially endanger the lives of the building occupants by warning them […]

HVAC Specifications—The Importance of Brand

Architects have many factors to consider when selecting an HVAC system for the projects they are involved with.  Not only are there many different types of heating and cooling systems to choose from; architects must also weigh a myriad of other factors. For example, what is the appropriate size to maximize the temperature control given […]