Metal and steel doors have been used in a number of different commercial buildings for years. Currently, out of over 500,000 projects going on right now, 13% contain specifications for those products (per ConstructConnect™). There are many options architects have when selecting the type and brand of metal or steel door they specify. According Steel […]
HVAC Specifications—The Importance of Brand
Architects have many factors to consider when selecting an HVAC system for the projects they are involved with. Not only are there many different types of heating and cooling systems to choose from; architects must also weigh a myriad of other factors. For example, what is the appropriate size to maximize the temperature control given […]
Getting Wood Doors on the “Preferred” List of Brands in Your Designers’ Specification
Designers have many brands to choose from when selecting a brand of wood door to specify for a particular project. In fact, according to Allied Market Research, the interior wooden door market is driven by advancements such as eco-friendly doors, a surge in residential and non-residential construction, and increased expenditure on home remodeling in the […]