What Are Advertisers Buying? Part 3: Why Circulation Matters

  Here is part 3 of our ongoing series of white papers covering the disappearance of audits and reader service cards. Our meetings with magazines and AIM’s own internal media analysis show that the percentage of circulation at B2B publications that is one-year qualified vanished (perhaps one of the reasons rep knowledge about circulation disappeared). […]


Lots of action since our last data center update. Apple enters the report of data center changes with their $177M Data Center Expansion in Prineville.OR with the plans for the construction of a 330,000-square-foot data center facility. As of April 12, 2023, this project has been approved by the city of Prineville. This is all […]


There were nine projects in data centers this past week that are worth some attention. Stack Infrastructure is one of those large custom data center solutions companies that are building data center footprints. This Data Center Campus (they are the owner) is located in Phoenix, AZ and valued at $362M. Design plans call for the […]


Since March 21, 2023, 16 data center projects have been experiencing movement. These projects are valued at $3.6B. Besides the smaller upgrades and maintenance, some of the main projects we found this past week included the following of interest. Another Amazon data center in Leesburg is showing activity. Gensler out of Denver is the architect.  […]


Since March 17, 2023, 10 data center projects have been experiencing movement. These projects are valued at $1,1B. Seven of the projects were covered in the last update. There were three new ones in this report; one each in Virginia, California and South Carolina. As you are aware, data centers often “hide” in other types […]


Since March 14, 2023, 11 data center projects have been experiencing movement. These projects are valued at $1.1B. They are spread all over the country: two in Virginia, two in Texas and one each in California, Colorado, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Nevada and North Carolina. So there is no shortage of targets for you to aim […]

Part II: How Companies Can Use Social Media to Influence Building Professionals

Overview: Effective strategies manufacturers can use to harness the power of social media. The recently published Accountability Information Management Inc. report entitled “Part 1: How Building Professionals Use Social Media” indicated that 72% of building professionals use social media for their jobs – a fact that demonstrates how important social media is becoming in the […]

Third-Party Research Provides Association With Objective Results

Problem A major association conducted interviews with 35 of their members. Afterward, they asked: Were they too close to the situation to render objective conclusions? Did their involvement with members shape their conclusions? The association decided they wanted a third-party, trusted advisor’s opinion, and turned to Accountability Information Management, Inc. (AIM). The association provided AIM […]

An ADA Perspective After 30 Years

by James V. Vitale, AIA, LEED AP, CASp, ACTCP   Even after over two thousand years, words of old still effect our mis-perceptions of disabled individuals. Old Testament references to the blind, lame, deaf, crippled, sick and diseased would have us believe that these afflictions were the results of demonic possessions or curses. From this […]

What Are Advertisers Buying? Part 2: Who Are The Readers, and How Can You Tell?

  Here is part 2 of our ongoing series of white papers examining an overall lack of accountability on both the publisher and advertiser sides of B2B. Every magazine sales rep will claim that their print publication is still their premier asset — which is not surprising given the higher revenues that print vehicles generate […]

What Are Advertisers Buying? Part 1

    Disappearing audits and reader service cards, questionable e-circulation counts, and an overall lack of accountability on both the publisher and advertiser sides are keeping the B2B market in the dark in terms of what is being bought and sold. Publishers do not have a consistent selling proposition or differentiation, and surprisingly, they don’t […]

What Are Advertisers Buying? Part 5: Tracking Reader Inquiries

  So you think you know response? Part 5 of our series tells you the impact of disappearing reader service cards — and what you can do about it. Up until recently, most B2B publications bound a reader service card, or “bingo” card, in each issue. Each ad would have an inquiry number printed at […]

What Are Advertisers Buying? Part 4: Audit versus Publisher Statements

  Here is Part 4 of our series of white papers covering the disappearance of audits and reader service cards. From the publishers’ perspective, perhaps it’s largely a matter of cost why BPA or ABC isn’t pursued at the level it used to be: Paying for a full audit to be conducted by BPA or […]

Setting or Following Construction Trends to Build Your Business

“Using Research to Maximize B2B Product Business Strategies” Check out the remaining segments of this six-part series Part 1: Setting or Following Construction Trends to Build Your Business Part 2: Cutting the B2B Gordian Knot Part 3: Adopting an Anticipate, React, Adapt B2B Strategy Part 4: Et Tu Trends? Part 5: “Other” Factors Influencing What […]

Cutting the B2B Gordian Knot

What are some of the key “trends” in B2B that caused customer fragmentation? Check out the remaining segments of this six-part series Part 1: Setting or Following Construction Trends to Build Your Business Part 2: Cutting the B2B Gordian Knot Part 3: Adopting an Anticipate, React, Adapt B2B Strategy Part 4: Et Tu Trends? Part […]

Adopting an Anticipate, React, Adapt B2B Strategy

Targeting B2B Customers into Relevant Groups Check out the remaining segments of this six-part series Part 1: Setting or Following Construction Trends to Build Your Business Part 2: Cutting the B2B Gordian Knot Part 3: Adopting an Anticipate, React, Adapt B2B Strategy Part 4: Et Tu Trends? Part 5: “Other” Factors Influencing What You Think […]

Et Tu Trends?

Check out the remaining segments of this six-part series Part 1: Setting or Following Construction Trends to Build Your Business Part 2: Cutting the B2B Gordian Knot Part 3: Adopting an Anticipate, React, Adapt B2B Strategy Part 4: Et Tu Trends? Part 5: “Other” Factors Influencing What You Think Increases Sales Part 6: “Other” Factors […]

“Other” Factors Influencing What You Think Increases Sales

Check out the remaining segments of this six-part series Part 1: Setting or Following Construction Trends to Build Your Business Part 2: Cutting the B2B Gordian Knot Part 3: Adopting an Anticipate, React, Adapt B2B Strategy Part 4: Et Tu Trends? Part 5: “Other” Factors Influencing What You Think Increases Sales Part 6: “Other” Factors […]

“Other” Factors Influencing What You Think Decreases Sales

Check out the remaining segments of this six-part series Part 1: Setting or Following Construction Trends to Build Your Business Part 2: Cutting the B2B Gordian Knot Part 3: Adopting an Anticipate, React, Adapt B2B Strategy Part 4: Et Tu Trends? Part 5: “Other” Factors Influencing What You Think Increases Sales Part 6: “Other” Factors […]

Research is a Valuable Tool for Finding & Developing Case Histories

“Finding, developing and completing case histories using research produces positive results.” PROBLEM A national association was interested in developing a series of case studies for their website to showcase the benefits and uses of their materials in various commercial projects. The organization had limited staff and the resources needed to identify potential projects, find key […]

Virtual Focus Groups a Great Starting Point for Valuable Market Insight

“Using regional focus groups and online surveys helps association gain important feedback on product certification program.” PROBLEM A national manufacturing association wanted to explore design professionals’ awareness of their product certification program. In addition, they also needed to understand how important the product certification was to a designer’s decision to select or recommend a particular […]

Audience & Ad Readership Studies

Are your messages resonating with your audiences? How many people read advertising? What’s the best channel to use for your messages to a target audience? All these answers depend on how you define advertising. In 2017, it was reported that Digital marketing experts estimate that most Americans are exposed to around 4,000 to 10,000 ads […]

Qualitative Interviews Used to Develop Mission Statement & Drive Restructure

“Executive feedback and insight facilitates company revitalization and growth opportunities. “ PROBLEM A large national group of independent distributors wanted to conduct qualitative research with key members of their governing committee to define their mission more clearly and better understand their position and customers’ perception in the market. The organization was interested in getting independent, […]

Staying Current with International Members’ Drives Future Program Development

“Studying association members’ participation, satisfaction and needs increases membership and retention rates.” PROBLEM An international association was looking for membership feedback on their involvement and satisfaction with the association to assist with setting goals and a strategic plan for the next few years. The association wanted to measure members’ participation level in various educational opportunities, […]

Advertising Readership Research Helps Companies Improve Connection with B2B Target Audience

“Identifying what Designers and Architects See & Read Produces Positive Results. “ PROBLEM A B2B publisher was looking for a value-added service they could offer their existing advertisers or potential advertisers to enhance the benefits of their advertising program.  In today’s crowded marketplace with so many communication channels available, creating and implementing the “right” message […]

B2B Marketing Executives Speak Out on the Challenges They Face

“Finding a Path to Customers and Prospects in a Crowded Marketplace can be Complex.” PROBLEM Over the past several years, AIM research has helped clients in the B2B arena study their target audiences and evaluate their position in a market. Conducting customer satisfaction studies, brand awareness research, new product development testing, purchase and buying trend […]

Meetings with Key Product Influencers Helps Keep B2B Company on Top

“Virtual focus groups with building owners, designers, architects and engineers delivers results. “ PROBLEM In two-step distribution, it is critical for product manufacturers to keep professionals who influence a product’s purchase (often called influencers) up to date on new products and remind them of the features and benefits their product or service provides.  Post COVID […]

Customized Qualitative Research Identifies Potential Obstacles for New Product Launch

“Out-of-the-box thinking can help companies uncover barriers and find solutions to market entry.” PROBLEM An international manufacturer involved in the plumbing industry was planning to introduce a new product to the U.S. market that would use new technology not yet found in the market. While the product was successful in other countries around the world, […]

Multi-Stage Research Delivers Key Market Intelligence to Help Marketers Impact Results

  “Targeted research plan produces current and relevant market insight to drive creative marketing program.”  PROBLEM An international association involved with commercial building operations was concerned that mechanical and design engineers were not requiring the use of tested, certified and rated HVAC products in their commercial project specifications. To help address this issue, the association […]

Targeted Research Can Provide Companies with Market Potential Estimates

“Using market sales Information to determine market potential and preferences for new products. “ PROBLEM A national company was planning to develop a series of new products for the residential market but needed to gain a better understanding of how large the market was and identify consumers’ preferences for specific styles and types of plumbing […]

In-Depth Phone Interviews Helps Product Manufacturer Develop Pricing and Product Strategies

“Talking to target audiences can help a product manufacturer identify obstacles AND opportunities.” PROBLEM A product manufacturer wanted to learn more about how data from the operations of commercial buildings was being collected, analyzed and distributed. As more and more functions like heating, lighting and water usage within a building were becoming a part of […]

Virtual Focus Groups Boosts Product Development Efforts

“Group Discussions with Showroom Consultants Provides Valuable Market Insight. “ PROBLEM An international manufacturer was interested in adding a new product line to their existing product suite. While this company had experience and a leadership position with other products in the category, they were not completely familiar with the market’s preferences within this product segment. […]

Comprehensive Research to Evaluate Service Levels Gives Companies a Competitive Edge

“Ongoing Secret Shopping Research Helps Maximize Key Performance Indicators. “ PROBLEM After implementing a full-scale repair and service program, a national company was interested in conducting after-sale service research to evaluate their service performance against key competitors in the market. The client had specific key performance indicators (KPIs) they wanted to measure such as speed […]

Research Helps Association Minimize the Damage of Pandemic Event

Timely Member Feedback Assists Association React, Adapt and Survive! Problem During the first few months of the 2020 COVID pandemic, an international association wanted to learn more about what type of impact the COVID pandemic would have on their association and their membership.  In addition, they wanted to identify specific areas where their members may […]

Uncover New Opportunities Through Project Spec Analysis

Ongoing Spec Analysis Helps Product Manufacturers Stay Ahead of Competition Problem Monthly specification analysis can be used to monitor a brand’s presence in the commercial market and uncover new opportunities to help companies beat their competition. Knowing where and how a brand is specified within commercial specifications is key to maximizing the chance of getting […]

Staying Connected to Customers Over the Long-Term Key to Maintaining Market Position

Listening to Customers on an Ongoing Basis Helps Manufacturer Stay on Top Situation Today the B2B marketplace is changing more rapidly than ever before[1]. To build and maintain a company’s position in the market, it is important to stay “connected” with customers. Therefore, evaluating and monitoring customer satisfaction with a company’s products and services is […]

Benchmark Wage & Labor Research Keeps Companies On Top in Competitive Job Market

Benchmark Wage & Labor Research Keeps Companies On Top in Competitive Job Market Problem Due to COVID, supply chain issues and an increase in the number of baby boomers retiring, the labor market is under pressure to provide higher wages and more benefits[1]. Depending on the industry and the job classification, the demand for qualified […]

The Importance of Certification in the Cabinet Industry

An AIM Confidential Research Report The Need for Certification Has Never Been Greater Product certification marks help businesses build trust in their products while providing a mechanism for market differentiation between brands. For consumers, certification programs offer assurance that the products they buy conform to specific requirements. For manufacturers, the programs provide a way to […]

Research Should be the First Step in Building and Strengthening Brand Loyalty

Brand Awareness & Market Position Study Problem A building product manufacturer came to AIM to help them understand more about their customers and the market in order to strengthen and grow their business. To increase and maintain business, product manufacturers must start with their customer base. They need to know how they use products, why […]

How Building Professionals Use Social Media for Business

Overview: What building product manufacturers should know! Businesses have always utilized new technologies to enhance their performance and output. And social media in its many forms — blogs, forums, business networks, photo-sharing platforms, social gaming, microblogs, chat apps, and social networks — has emerged as such a technology and worked its way into business consciousness. […]

How to Deal with Competitors in the Industrial Market

This is part of a comprehensive report seeking to help industrial construction marketers create a much-needed new playbook to do just that with their brands in an ever-increasing competitive landscape. For more information, including the complete report, contact: info@a-i-m.com.  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Every GC (owner, architect, etc.) has competitors. When you can understand with whom they compete, […]

Working with General Contractors in the Industrial Construction Market

This is part of a comprehensive report seeking to help industrial construction marketers create a much-needed new playbook to do just that with their brands in an ever-increasing competitive landscape. For more information, including the complete report, contact: info@a-i-m.com.  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In this “industrial” market in our dataset, there are 207 general contractors, none of which […]

How to Investigate the Industrial General Contractor Market

This is part of a comprehensive report seeking to help industrial construction marketers create a much-needed new playbook to do just that with their brands in an ever-increasing competitive landscape. For more information, including the complete report, contact: info@a-i-m.com.  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Here are the two charts similar to the other categories we just discussed, but for […]


This is part of a comprehensive report seeking to help industrial construction marketers create a much-needed new playbook to do just that with their brands in an ever-increasing competitive landscape. For more information, including the complete report, contact: info@a-i-m.com.  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The RLC Architects website greets you with this announcement:             […]

How to Investigate the Architect Industrial Market

This is part of a comprehensive report seeking to help industrial construction marketers create a much-needed new playbook to do just that with their brands in an ever-increasing competitive landscape. For more information, including the complete report, contact: info@a-i-m.com.  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Architects are another important group to pursue in your new play book for the industrial […]

Words and What Words Mean are Important

This is part of a comprehensive report seeking to help industrial construction marketers create a much-needed new playbook to do just that with their brands in an ever-increasing competitive landscape. For more information, including the complete report, contact: info@a-i-m.com.  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The industrial construction market presents a unique opportunity to look at such language, not only because […]


When the ConstructConnect® May 2022 Snapshot (based on April 2022 Starts Stats) was published, it contained the following statement: “April 2022’s +50.7% month-to-month increase in total nonresidential starts resulted primarily from a big surge in industrial (+751.3%).” What about the industrial construction market was spurring this type of increase? What about the industrial construction market […]

How to Investigate the Industrial Owner Market

This is part of a comprehensive report seeking to help industrial construction marketers create a much-needed new playbook to do just that with their brands in an ever-increasing competitive landscape. For more information, including the complete report, contact: info@a-i-m.com.  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Breaking into an owner market is often called “key accounts” in organizations. Usually, someone is in […]

How to Reach Owners in the Industrial Construction Market

This is part of a comprehensive report seeking to help industrial construction marketers create a much-needed new playbook to do just that with their brands in an ever-increasing competitive landscape. For more information, including the complete report, contact: info@a-i-m.com.  _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ There were 996 “owners” of industrial projects in the dataset we examined. Sorting our file […]

Market Reports Deliver Industry Intelligence to Association Management and Member Companies

Problem Professional associations often compile or conduct market research to benefit their members or to help promote the association. Many times, these industry reports are conducted annually to provide the association with up-to-date information and also provide a basis of comparison from year to year. While there are many methods and formats for conducting and […]

Does Print Advertising Work in a Digital Age?

Problem What happens when you never advertised, a pandemic hits the country, and you’re looking to grow your business? If you are like one of the major OEM suppliers of door components, you consider advertising of course! At the beginning of 2021, the client contacted AIM’s sister company, Interline Creative Group, Inc. with an RFP. […]

Finding the Needle in the Haystack: Process to Maximize Sales Leads

Problem Many manufacturers are looking for ways to get their foot in the door with new projects that are in the planning stages and have a potential need for their product. In a two-step distribution sales situation, it is often the responsibility of the manufacturer’s rep to find and connect with the architect, designer, contractor […]

Virtual Interviews Uncover Design Opportunities for a New Product Technology

Problem A major U.S. manufacturer had developed a new coatings technology that would provide commercial and residential properties with a unique fabricated metal product that could create exciting design possibilities for both the exterior and interior of a building.  This manufacturer wanted to conduct exploratory research with designers and architects to find out if there […]

Understanding the Impact of a Global Pandemic on Buying Behavior

Problem When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, a major manufacturer of a consumer hygiene product noticed their sales were shifting. With the onset of the pandemic the entire way consumers look for and purchased products was turned upside down. Without the ability to go to shops and see or touch products, consumers were forced to find […]

Customer Website Feedback Improves Users’ Satisfaction

Problem While a national consumer products company was in the process of “updating” their website, they wanted to find out what customers liked about their website and what they needed to change to make it more user friendly. Since a company’s website is almost always the first place existing customers or potential customers go for […]

Customized Product Design Research Reduces Guess Work

Problem A national plumbing manufacturer was looking for a third-party research company to assist them with getting feedback from the market on various products designs that would not only meet the market’s needs, but would provide the company with the most business opportunity. The client requested the research include a balance of response from architects, […]

Data Center Construction: An Insatiable Market

by Jim Nowakowski (see our latest update for 2020 on this market here) According to the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, there are about 3 million data centers in the United States.[1] You can see 1,269 of them at dataceters.com. And there is a map of 1,806 of them at datacentermap.com/usa. This doesn’t […]

What is a Brand?

There’s a lot of talk about a company and its “brand” these days, and lots of money being spent trying to do what people call “branding.” One recent article pointed out that all marketing, especially advertising, works to enhance or modify brand image. But, what is “brand” in the case of a manufacturer? Is the […]

Manufacturer Brief: How COVID-19 Changed the way Facility Managers Get Product Information

AIM Study Reveals Insights of Shift Prompted by COVID-19 Environment on How Facility Managers Get Product Information The global COVID-19 pandemic has brought dramatic changes not only in everyday life, but also for the business of managing facilities with lasting effects. The issues are more complex than staying safe and working remotely. And essential businesses […]

Manufacturer Brief: How COVID-19 Changed the way Engineers get Product Information

What Manufacturers Need to Know About How Engineering Firms are Navigating the COVID-19 Environment When They Launch Products   If you are a manufacturer, what’s up with your sales representatives calling on engineers these days? Accountability Information Management, Inc. (AIM) is a leading B2B marketing research company and wanted to find out. There’s no doubt […]

Examining ADA Restroom Requirements: The foundation for accessible design

Universal design. Accessible design. ADA design. These terms all convey images of unattractive, institutional spaces. Yet, they are vital to life, and so are the people that design, operate, and maintain these spaces we rely on for our daily life. Accessible public restrooms are integral for any commercial space and are not just for the […]

Uncovering Opportunities for Door Hardware Through Specification Analysis

Using Mentions, Not Projects to Gain Share and Build Awareness with Architects   To say that specifying door hardware is complex is an understatement. Hinges, pivots and pivot hangers, mechanical locks and latches, door closers etc. can all be specified from different manufacturers! Worse, consider the following “specification” language: “Door hardware supplier with warehousing facilities […]

What End Users Want (from Architects and Engineers,That Is)

Architectural and engineering firms, like other businesses, operate in a climate of increasing flux. Relationships that existed between these firms and their clients have undergone profound changes due to the economy and technology, with construction being particularly devastated. Accountability Information Management, Inc. (AIM), a business-to-business research company, wanted to find out specifics about the relationship […]

Using Specification Analysis to Create a Marketing Strategy for Paint

Interior paints are used in every type of commercial facility. In fact, is there even one facility that does not use some type of paint on their walls or ceilings? For paint manufacturers to increase their position in the commercial market, they must continuously evaluate their presence in the designers’ specifications. The first obstacle is […]

How to Penetrate the Commercial Wall-Hung Vanities Market

Tapping the true potential for any market is part science, part art. In the end, the decision on a go/no-go decision into a market rests on the accuracy of calculations of market size and overall business potential. The real essence of a market strategy for a product manufacturer deciding to enter a market, however, is […]

What Architects Need to Know When They Specify Smoke Detectors

While smoke detectors are only one component of a complex building fire alarm system designed to provide safety, preserve health and protect buildings, some would argue it is the most important.   Smoke detectors are constantly working to detect the existence of smoke that could potentially endanger the lives of the building occupants by warning them […]

Specifying Ceramic Floors – The Battle Between Aesthetics versus Function

Ceramic flooring is one of the oldest types of floor covering and has been used for many years in commercial and residential properties. The decision on whether to use ceramic flooring verses other types of flooring by architects and designers requires a variety of considerations. According to an article published by Facility Executive[1] titled Choose […]

What Building Products Manufacturers Need to Know About Smart Buildings

By Maria Lester, LEED AP The building construction industry touches every part of our lives – from our homes, schools and workplaces, to our community spaces and general infrastructure. Beyond doubt, connecting the technology infrastructure to the physical spaces and buildings where we work and live can deliver significant benefits – managing the use of […]

Exploring Difficult-to-Research Technical Markets: The Delphi Investigative Paradigm

Marketing research is the primary tool for both bridging the communication gap with customers and enabling managers to stay in touch with their markets. It involves the specification, gathering, analyzing, and interpretation of information to help management understand the environment, identify problems and opportunities, and develop and evaluate alternative courses of marketing action. The information […]

Manufacturing Helps the Construction Industry Face Its Biggest Challenges

By: Prathmesh Limaye, Senior Research Analyst – Chemicals, Materials, Food, Frost & Sullivan The construction industry is grappling with issues pertaining to productivity and meeting project deadlines that have been intensified following the economic recession of 2008-2009. About 2 million construction workers were let go in the United States alone between 2007 and 2011, and […]

Quality is Key to Being a Player in Lighting Control Specifications. Or is it?

Most B2B manufacturing professionals will tell you that you have to be among the best in terms of quality in order to become a part of a designer’s or owner’s short list. In fact, manufacturers have to achieve a certain “level” of quality (the same or better than competitive brands) or they will likely never […]

Opening the Door to Metal and Steel Door Specification Preference

Metal and steel doors have been used in a number of different commercial buildings for years. Currently, out of over 500,000 projects going on right now, 13% contain specifications for those products (per ConstructConnect™). There are many options architects have when selecting the type and brand of metal or steel door they specify. According Steel […]

Maximize Success During the Metal Roofing Boom Through Specifications

Metal roofing has been used in a variety of commercial buildings for years. Retail centers, office buildings, public facilities and industrial properties have benefited from metal roof’s long-term performance, energy efficiency and low life cycle costs. In addition, new styles and shapes that are possible by using metal materials are boosting metal roofing’s design popularity […]

How Architects Specify Acoustical Ceiling Products

In order for manufacturers to get their product specified, they must begin to understand more about how architects or designers select and specify products. Learning how the specification process works can help a manufacturer provide the architects and specifiers with the key information they need to get their brand in the building specifications, or better […]

How Manufacturers of Interior Lighting Should Play the Specification Game

The rapidly changing and complex B2B marketplace today makes it difficult for manufacturers to know where to focus their marketing efforts. Complexity also makes measuring actual brand preference within the design market difficult. Take interior lighting products. Architects and interior designers have many choices when it comes to the brand and lighting options. It used […]

Tapping Into the Power Tool Market

Developing marketing priorities in any market is always a challenge, and the power tool market is no different. Any company looking to maintain their position, gain market share, or enter such a market has to do their due diligence or risk certain failure. It’s more complex today because of the way information flows. For example, […]

HVAC Specifications—The Importance of Brand

Architects have many factors to consider when selecting an HVAC system for the projects they are involved with.  Not only are there many different types of heating and cooling systems to choose from; architects must also weigh a myriad of other factors. For example, what is the appropriate size to maximize the temperature control given […]

Getting Wood Doors on the “Preferred” List of Brands in Your Designers’ Specification

Designers have many brands to choose from when selecting a brand of wood door to specify for a particular project. In fact, according to Allied Market Research, the interior wooden door market is driven by advancements such as eco-friendly doors, a surge in residential and non-residential construction, and increased expenditure on home remodeling in the […]

Influencing the Designer’s Selection in Textile Wall Finishes

Designers and architects make millions of decisions on products when it comes to designing new buildings or during major renovations. Many times, the decisions involve tradeoffs when balancing all the influencers’ needs. Do you put in a product that achieves the look you want? Should you select the product that best meets the building owner’s […]

How to Get Building Automation Systems in Specifications

Building Automation involves bringing mechanical and electrical systems and equipment together with microprocessors in order to communicate with each other and other equipment within a building or campus of buildings. With the advent of IoT, however, their value to building owners and operators is becoming enormous – and thus, specifications will be subject to changes. […]

How to Keep Association Members Up to Speed with Confidential Information

Problem The Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association (KCMA) is a non-profit organization that represent companies who manufacture kitchen, bath, or other residential cabinets, establishes and promotes standards for the kitchen cabinet industry; defends and advocates in support of the industry; and arms members with valuable tools necessary to promote and grow  their businesses. As part of […]

Resilient Flooring: Taking the Right Path to Specification

Architects have thousands of choices to make when designing a building. On the other hand, they also make thousands of trade offs. However, there are always a few elements critical to them.  Maybe it is something that is performance-based, such as HVAC or a roofing system; or maybe aesthetics are prominent, such as the flooring […]

Entering a New Market? Let Research Be Your “Compass”

Breaking into a new market with different rules and competitors can be extremely profitable, or a complete disaster, if the company entering the market is not informed and prepared.  Chris Myers of Forbes sums it up well: “When teams try to apply their existing model to a new market, more often than not it ends […]

How to Identify Exactly What Customers Want

“How can a business survive if it doesn’t fully understand its customers and their preferences?” The answer is that a business can survive without a thorough understanding of what its customers want – but usually not for very long, and not without missing valuable opportunities. One of AIM’s previous clients, a commercial catalog distribution company, […]

Cold Calling Gets Hot

On average @gordontredgold says it takes 17 cold calls before you connect to a live person and have a conversion. What’s your average? He goes on to say that only six percent of calls lead to a conversation. So, perseverance and persistence are keys of being successful. He says that he made 3025 calls, that […]

How AIM Helped Put a Client’s Negative Publicity Into Perspective

There are many things that can go wrong for a business when marketing and selling its products, and negative publicity is near the top of the list. Criticism tends to be more memorable than praise. When factoring in the ability to receive nearly unlimited information from the internet and improved capability to share information through […]

Are We Screwed?

“I fear that if trends continue, we will lose control over our markets and our customers. We’ll have done it to ourselves.” Bob Mader, a veteran of the media outlets and seasoned editor, argues that manufacturers can protect the integrity of their brands, distributors can offer benefits like training, financing, inventory management and delivery and contractors have unique quality products to sell. But homeowners have no idea what any of this means.

Brand Familiarity and Preference – The Ongoing Struggle

  You can’t really open up a business magazine these days without coming across something about brand. Books are written about it, websites are created around it, the reading list is endless because the study of a brand seems to be what marketing is all about: creating it, enhancing it, using it to generate revenue. […]

The Response Card in Magazines: To Keep It or Not to Keep It? Is that the real question?

The response card as a vehicle to communicate has been debated for many years, especially with the advent of the Internet, which accommodates inquiries to websites directly. Many publishers dispense with the card. Others keep it, and continue the debate. Some, like I&S, re-institute it as a test or in conjunction with an advertiser investment. […]

What Are Advertisers Buying?

Disappearing audits and reader service cards, questionable e-circulation counts, and an overall lack of accountability on both the media outlet and advertiser sides are keeping the B2B market in the dark in terms of what is being bought and sold. It is time for advertisers to take responsibility and demand accountability for what they are […]

Inquiry Behavior In Buildings Magazine

The purpose of this white paper is to explore lead generation in BUILDINGS magazine. The paper will discuss advertising response behavior within that publication through various channels and, therefore, demonstrate the Internet’s impact on lead generation. Besides focusing on BUILDINGS, the report draws on Accountability Information Management, Inc.’s (AIM) studies of thousands of magazines over […]

Findings from the Comprehensive Interviews of Attendees at the 2011 KBIS* Show

Introduction Interline Creative Group, Inc., a full-service marketing organization, exhibited at the 2011 KBIS show for the second year. Our intention was to gather information useful to our clients – and to us. We commissioned Accountability Information Management, Inc. (AIM) once again and conducted over 100 interviews with designers, architects, showroom consultants and others. We […]